Title: WIRED
Author: Douglas E. Richards
Price: FREE
Rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars(73)
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“A keep-you-up-all-night thriller. Intense action, mind-blowing concepts, & breathtaking twists. Enjoy the ride.” –Boyd Morrison, bestselling author of The Vault.”A twisty plot, big ideas, and nonstop action & intrigue. It’ll have you guessing right up to the very end.” –Ernest Lilley, founder, SFRevu, Sr. Editor, TechRevu.Kira Miller is a brilliant genetic engineer who discovers how to temporarily achieve savant-like capabilities in all areas of thought and creativity. But what if this transcendent level of intelligence brings with it a ruthless megalomania?WIRED is a smart thriller crammed with breakneck action, unexpected twists, mind-expanding science, and intriguing concepts readers will be contemplating long after they’ve read the last page.