The Triptych Force: I AM by Michelle Carbotte
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Title: The Triptych Force: I AM Author: Michelle Carbotte Price: FREE till April 10,2014 Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 stars ![]() |
Many have asked these age old questions. Why are we here? Who is God? What is our purpose in life? Are you tired of the same old religious rhetoric? Do you sense that there is more to life than what you are experiencing now? Are you ready to delve into the true intentions of the Highest Mind? Then it’s time to rediscover the Bible and explore its many documents in a fresh and enlightened new way. The Holy Scriptures have a special message for the people of this time period and it is a message of utmost importance. We are more than just mere mortals and we are here to fulfill a great and visionary purpose.
This life, in physical form, has been given to us for the education and development of our godly powers. Mankind was created in the likeness of God. Many times He refers to us as His children and we are to refer to Him as Father. This makes us apprentice-gods who need to develop and control our many special abilities. We are each on a personal journey to discover our real selves, which is a combination of both human and divine, and the Triptych Force is all the help we will ever need to achieve this goal. Let the Triptych Force (pronounced trip-tik) align you to the divine power and guide you step by step on your path to uncovering your greatness within.
This eTrilogy was created as a handbook or manual, to assist anyone who seeks a spiritual experience. Featured in part one, I AM, are: The 6 Triptych Force Laws, the 8 paths of faith, 5 natures of God, 5 attributes of Love and the unstoppable power of I AM. But of all the qualities that explain what God is, above all, God is love, and His immortal plan is simple; to exist in the expression of love.
The Bible is as relevant today as it has been throughout its history but the power and magical energy of the Triptych Force has never been more intense. The Triptych Force is scripturally sound and filled with clear revelations for this current age. Contained within its pages, is one of the most extensively organized list of spiritual topics that has ever been compiled.
Open your heart and witness with clarity, the boundless wisdom of the Triptych Force and start living life with purpose and with determination, to become the best child of God you can possibly be.
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